This is fascinating. As I read, I was cheering you onward into the fiction, but then you confirmed your true voice. Bravo!

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Aug 22Liked by Lori Olson White

Loved hearing your process. I’m trained as a genealogist, meaning what I write can only be in academic style. It’s a relief to know that there are writers sharing family history in interesting ways and not fictionalizing it. Looking forward to diving into what you’ve published.

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Thanks, and welcome! There are as many ways to tell family stories as there are stories, or as my husband likes to remind me, horses for courses. Find your voice and have fun!

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Aug 22Liked by Lori Olson White

Figuring out the format is so hard! I have a story that got me started creating content this time around (after a few years off) that is a bit of a family mystery. I haven’t figured out if it is a story in its own or part of a larger whole, so finally I decided to just start sharing what I have with family, because if something happens to me in the meanwhile, they will never have any of the information. (Maybe a great grandchild will have a better vision years from now and finish it for me :) Curious to go read what you have done with this!

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That’s a great idea and takes a lot of the pressure off. For me, at least, sometimes that’s all it takes 🤞🏻 Thanks for dropping by!

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